Applying for Medicaid can be a minefield, especially for people who own assets and could still qualify. Knowing which rules apply to your application, how you can qualify for Medicaid and protect your assets in a legal way requires years of expertise. At Breeze, Westhoff, Nguyen & Elpers, we have those years of expertise. We’ve helped people in Jefferson County with their Medicaid planning and applications for years.
Assist with applying for Medicaid
First, our firm can help you in the application process itself. We especially help eligible people who have been denied access to Medicaid, whose process has been stalled or delayed, or those who need help appealing to get the care they should. Applying for Medicaid means dealing with a large organization, and we’ve done it many times before. Our experience and knowledge can help you avoid common hurdles and legal problems that can come with a Medicaid application process.
Asset Preservation Plans
One of the main reasons people hire a Medicaid lawyer is to preserve their assets while maintaining their eligibility for Medicaid. Medicaid (or Missouri HealthNet) has an income cap while it also offers legal opportunities for (future) nursing home residents to preserve their assets. Keeping this balance of maintaining eligibility and using the opportunities in a legal way can feel like legal quicksand.
Years of experience in Medicaid planning makes Breeze, Westhoff, Nguyen & Elpers the leading Medicaid lawyer office in Jefferson County, MO. We know the law around applying for Medicaid inside and out, and keep your interests at heart. We can protect your assets before or as you apply for Medicaid, and make sure you gift, keep, and allocate your assets in the best way possible.
You don’t have to spend down all your assets before you qualify for Medicaid, as long as you have a plan in place. Our Medicaid attorneys help you device a plan that saves you money in the long run and is in your best interest – not that of the nursing home.
Incorporate Medicaid into estate planning
The best Medicaid plans are embedded into a larger estate plan. By planning your Medicaid expenses ahead of time and incorporate protecting your assets into your estate planning, you can protect your life’s work and your loved ones, while still ensuring your own care.